Tuesday, August 31, 2004

suicide on wheels

wow, another rant about cyclists...already? yes. this is in regard to cyclists who flirt with death. cyclists who seem to think that, because motorists are to treat them as they would other vehicles, their bike must be as tough as other vehicles.

based on the comments i received about my last "bike rant", i know i have at least a couple of cyclists in the audience...so listen up! i realize it's a frustrating thing for both cyclists and motorists in winnipeg that it's currently illegal for cyclists to ride on the sidewalk, but let's not take our frustrations out on each other. cyclists, if you want to be treated with the same respect as motorists are supposed to show other vehicles, you need to realize that the same LAWS apply to you.

no, i'm not referring to speed. clearly, unless you're a frigging looney toon, you will not meet (nor be expected to meet) the minimum speed limit. however, there are other laws that apply to you. see that stop sign?! yes, that means you mr. or ms. cyclist. don't think you need to observe it? be prepared to accept the risk. and don't look at me that way when i make the "you're a jackass" face at you, because you've earned it.

hey there, biking with a buddy? that's great...SINGLE FILE! last i checked, it wasn't legal for 2 cars to drive buddy-buddy style on a two-lane road, it's not legal for you. wanna flout that rule? you're gonna get tchatched!

now, i know...i know. you're gonna say to me, "johnny...", you're gonna say "johnny, so many cyclists abide by the law." great, maybe a bunch of them do...maybe you're one of them, but a whole bunch don't. clearly, they're the ones i'm referring to. that's it, i'm done!


Blogger johnny m said...

yes, you'll get home faster, but hopefully not accompanied by paramedics! there are many drivers who aren't very kind and don't care if they brush past and cause you to, say, break an ankle. so, okay, i just want to be sure i'm getting your message clearly. you don't care if i'm getting home slow as long as you're getting home faster? you fit into winnipeg perfectly.

9/02/2004 9:46 PM  

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