Saturday, August 14, 2004

faith on a letter board

i was talking to a friend recently about "church signs". now, of course, some people know that the typical ones do more to keep people away than bring them in, so they don't bother trying to be funny and they just try to be sincere. this is admirable.

then there are others...i'm not sure who writes these things, but i think the ratio of horrible to even remotely clever is about 896:2. you have to ask yourself how the person at the church who slides the letters onto the board could possibly not know how ridiculous many of these things sound.

the most recent atrocity that comes to mind is "God answers knee-mail." Uh, earth to humorless guy, this isn't making your church look like the most happenin' place. now, i'm a church guy myself, so i'm writing about this from the inside. if churches have to have a sign board and can't put something funny (in a good way) or clever on the sign (e.g. "'Don't make me come down there!' -God"), then they need to stick to sincere.


Blogger johnny m said...

it's interesting that a body art facility picked up on that church sign. i hadn't heard about that. you're right in wondering if they even understood what the sign meant. yet, i'm not sure if that justifies having a bad joke on a sign. then again, that particular one isn't the lamest one that i've heard.

in regards to "youtoo's" comment, i think your word choice is particularly appropriate. such a church would definitely have to be the "offending" church. i'm actually offended when churches abuse their sign boards by writing bad jokes.

8/25/2004 7:30 PM  

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